A Garden Tour
Spring Gallery
Office Shots

The Stone Pond

(Dibble’s Stage) There is a place. Well, there was a place, where the sunlight danced through the maple leaves and glinted off the water’s surface. My kid sister and I jumped from rock to rock….

South of the Border

In a Tijuana cat house doorway, that Spanish matron so old and frail. She about folded up and blew away. She checked your heirlooms, this jewel inspector; for things that crawled and things that didn’t….

Free At Last

“Free at last!” the preacher sang. What, dear God, have you made? Who can understand? We know, we think, the planets drive. We understand how microbes thrive. What came before is written down. “Free at…

Family History (Part XXXVII)

My family’s always been addicted to tobacco. Must be a lot of savage in me, get myself hurt sometimes — learning I’m doing something I hadn’t ought to be. Like, breathing fire, sucking smoke into…


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