Read The Printed Word
I ran across this very simple site a few weeks ago. All you’ll find there is a number of buttons for pasting into your blog, website, or social media status. And — it says it all.
I’ve maintained for years that I was a digital junkie — and if nothing else is available, I’m that guy who actually reads the cereal box. *laff* There is nothing more special than losing yourself in a good read. I love books and magazines.
Here is ‘s introduction:
“We support the printed word in all its forms: newspapers, magazines, and of course, books. We think reading on computers or phones or whatever is fine, but it cannot replace the experience of reading words printed on paper. We pledge to continue reading the printed word in the digital era and beyond.”
Won’t you pledge too? There is nothing to fill out, no email sign-ups. Just you and a pledge to read the printed word.
Where is your favorite place to read?